
澳洲 布里斯本


【澳洲置業】300萬上車盤不是夢!澳洲置業投資Step by Step教學!

  • 香港樓價貴絕全球,部分準買家沒有充足的資金作首期,市場上可選擇的單位自然較少。如果有興趣在澳洲置業,你會發現澳洲的入市門檻較低,300萬上車盤不是夢!無論是作為物業投資工具,還是自住或放租,澳洲上車盤首期均比香港低得多。如果你是非澳洲永久居民或公民,便需要留意當地置業的程序及手續,閱讀以下的澳洲置業投資Step by Step教學!

  • Step 1:了解清楚置業目標


  • Step 2:物色心儀樓盤地區

    當了解清楚置業目標後,便可以物色心儀樓盤地區。無論單位是用作自住,還是投資或放租,發展成熟、配套齊備及交通網絡完善的地區都是你的首要選擇。以布里斯本為例,SunnybankChermsideToowong是發展成熟的地區,區內的購物、消閒及交通配套非常齊全,而且鄰近澳洲著名學府昆士蘭大學(The University of Queensland)。所以,這三個區域的租賃市場相當蓬勃,自住、投資或放租也是相當適合。不過值要注意的是,澳洲政府規定外國人只能買入全新的一手物業,而單位數量則沒有限制。

  • Step 3:聘請律師查問置業的程序及代辦各項手續

    對於在澳洲首次置業的人士,最好有律師在旁提供法律意見,查問澳洲買樓的程序及代辦各項手續。澳洲政府規定,外國人在當地買樓前,必須獲得外國投資審查委員會(Foreign Investment Review Board)的審批通知書。而且,購置澳洲物業涉及有多項費用,包括印花稅(stamp duty)、商品及服務稅(goods and services tax)等。若不熟悉上述的買樓程序,可以交由律師代辦,以防遺忘申請買樓審批通知書及繳交買樓相關費用。

  • Step 4:支付首期及申請按揭


  • Step 5:收樓

    支付首期及待樓宇發展商完成所有工程後,便可以進入最後階段 — 收樓。買家收樓時要仔細檢查單位,注意驗樓事項,千萬不要因為是一手樓便掉以輕心。買家除了親身收樓外,亦可以交予授權人代為收樓。

Hong Kong property prices are the most expensive in the world. Some prospective buyers do not have sufficient funds for a down payment, so there are naturally fewer units to choose from on the market. If you are interested in buying a property in Australia, you will find that the entry threshold in Australia is low, and buying a car for 3 million is not a dream!

Whether it is used as a property investment tool, for self-occupation or for rent, the down payment for a property in Australia is much lower than that in Hong Kong. If you are a non-Australian permanent resident or citizen, you need to pay attention to the local procedures and procedures for buying real estate. Read the following step by step tutorial on real estate investment in Australia!

Step 1: Understand your home buying goals clearly

Before buying property in Australia, you must first understand your home buying goals. If you purchase an Australian property for your own use, you can choose the ideal property type according to your own needs. However, if the property is used for investment or rental, you need to consider the appreciation potential of the property or the prosperity of the rental market before making your choice.


Step 2: Find your favorite real estate area

Once you have a clear understanding of your home buying goals, you can then look for your favorite real estate area. Whether the unit is used for self-occupation, investment or rental, areas with mature development, complete supporting facilities and complete transportation network are your first choice. Taking Brisbane as an example, Sunnybank, Chermside and Toowong are mature areas with complete shopping, leisure and transportation facilities, and are close to the University of Queensland, a famous Australian university.

Therefore, the rental market in these three areas is quite booming, and they are also quite suitable for self-occupation, investment or renting. However, it is worth noting that the Australian government stipulates that foreigners can only buy new first-hand properties, and there is no limit on the number of units.