
澳洲 布里斯本


【North Lakes】布里斯本北面最大经济商业园区 — North Lakes、Mango Hill区分析全攻略

North Lakes
  • 澳洲移民的种类众多,其中,技术移民191 visa 更是最为独特的移民方式。 申请人在澳洲特定地区regional area居住及发展就可以符合申请技术移民191 visa的要求,若持有191签证3年,并符合当局一些的特定要求就可以得到澳洲公民身份。 本文将会向大家介绍布里斯本北面最大经济商业园区,而且符合regional area要求的地区—North Lakes、Mango Hill。


North Lakes、Mango Hill位于布里斯本北部,邻近Redcliffe Peninsula的黄金海滩、宁静舒适的Halpine湖自然景观及文化遗产等旅游资源,吸引游客和观光者,拉动经济发展迅速成为了昆士兰州最重要的商业和 住宅区之一。


紧随2032年奥运基建配套优势,北部的交通物流网得以拓展,有多条主要公路和高速公路贯穿两区,经济商业园区内亦设有多个火车站及巴士专线直达Brisbane及各区,铁路 可覆盖东至Kippa-Ring西至Petrie。 另外,20分钟车程亦可到达布里斯本国际机场,出入Brisbane城市及机场尤其方便,这两区十分适合商务人士自住及租住。


区内配套完善,设有多所学校、托儿中心及医疗设施,邻区亦有阳光海岸大学(USC) 的Moreton Bay 新校区,其中区内亦有为居民开设众多运动场及大大小小的 绿化公园,以及围绕Mango Hill的Moreton Bay单车沿径,营造活力及年轻的气氛。 另外,区内亦有家具旗舰店Ikea, 旗舰商场Westfield及批发超市Costco等跨国品牌于当区开设分店,可见区内配套齐全,城市化进程带来了更多的投资,创造大量就业机会,吸引 专业人士及企业移入当地。


当区吸引来自本土及海外人士前来定居。 带来了各种各样的异国餐厅、节庆文化和艺术表演。 其中接近7成人口低于40岁,是人口相当年轻的一个地区。 超过8成是已婚家庭,其中有7成家庭都是就业人口,有近5%人口任职医疗行业,消费及入息水准亦较其他地区高,加上空置率只有0.7%,反映楼盘短缺, 因此,同区租金短短5年间亦上升50%之多。 报告预计当区人口仍会稳定上升,对房屋需求亦同样跟随,因此,现时正是投资当区的好时机。


North Lakes、Mango Hill楼盘推介

区内有两个邻近Westfield North Lakes环境优美的花园别墅楼盘发售,它们均由同一个专营Townhouse的发展商Azure development建设,楼盘属上车之选,售价港元$370万起,有3房、3 +1房及4房不同的选择,每间花园别墅均附有独立私家花园。 另外楼盘设有豪华会所,设施包括泳池、池畔用餐区及广阔草坪花园,非常适合与亲友一同举办聚会,如你都想了解布里斯本Brisbane楼盘资料,请联络昌美澳洲物业啦!

History North Lakes is situated in the Yugarabul traditional Indigenous Australian country.State College opened on 1 January 2002.The Lakes College opened on 24 January 2005.

Originally part of Mango Hill  was gazetted as a separate suburb by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water in February 2006. The origin of the suburb name is from the name given to the estate development. Business Park started construction in 2007 and is planned to take more than ten years to fully complete.

Library opened in 2014.Plantation Road Bridge over the Bruce Highway linking North Lakes to Dakabin along Plantation Road opened on 12 December 2014. In the 2016 census, North Lakes had a population of 21,671 people.North Lakes includes the largest South African Australian community of any suburb in Queensland, numbering 809 individuals and making up 3.7% of the suburb’s population. The North Lakes Golf Club closed on 11 August 2019 with the land to be sold for a retirement village.Residents were upset by the decision as they chose to live in the area because of the green space of the golf course. In the 2021 census, North Lakes had a population of 23,030 people.

[citation needed] Bounty Boulevard State School was opened on 1 January 2009.In the 2011 census, North Lakes had a population of 15,046 people, 51.6% female and 48.4% male.The median age of the population was 31 years, 6 years below the national median of 37. 63% of people living in North Lakes were born in Australia.

The other top responses for country of birth were England 9.2%, New Zealand 8.7%, South Africa 3.9%, Philippines 1.3%, Scotland 1%. 86.6% of people spoke only English at home; the next most common languages were 1.5% Afrikaans, 0.8% Hindi, 0.7% Tagalog, 0.7% Spanish, 0.5% German.


Text content

Mango Hill is a suburb in the City of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. In the 2021 census, Mango Hill had a population of 14,921 people.

Although locally known by this name since the 1950s, it wasn’t until 1 September 1980 that it was formally decreed. The name Mango Hill was chosen to commemorate the section of Mango trees (Magnifera indica) that were planted along the 700 metre (2,300 ft) section of Anzac Avenue that passes through the area.

In March 2006, the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water subdivided the northern section of Mango Hill to form the suburb of North Lakes.[citation needed]

Although now separated, the area still reaps the benefits of the major infrastructure and retail upgrades that have taken place in North Lakes in recent years, including the Redcliffe Peninsula railway line and shopping outlets such as Costco and IKEA. This has resulted in a significant boost to economic growth in the City of Moreton Bay.[citation needed]

State College opened on 1 January 2002.This school is now within North Lakes. The Lakes College opened on 24 January 2005. This school is now within North Lakes. St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School opened in 2008.Mango Hill State School opened on 1 January 2012.St Benedict’s Catholic College opened in February 2013.Mango Hill State Secondary College opened on 1 January 2020.It officially opened on 26 August 2020.

In the 2011 census, Mango Hill recorded a population of 4,340 people, 51.6% female and 48.4% male The median age of the Mango Hill population was 33 years, 4 years below the national median of 37. 69.7% of people living in Mango Hill were born in Australia. The other top responses for country of birth were England 8.3%, New Zealand 6.4%, South Africa 2.3%, Scotland 1.1%, Philippines 0.8%. 89.5% of people spoke only English at home; the next most common languages were 0.8% Afrikaans, 0.6% Hindi, 0.6% Samoan, 0.6% Spanish, 0.5% Mandarin.

In the 2016 census, Mango Hill had a population of 8,434 people.

In the 2021 census, Mango Hill had a population of 14,921 people.

Mango Hill railway station and Mango Hill East railway station opened on 4 October 2016.

The 681 and 682 local loop bus service provides transport throughout the suburb connecting it to train services at Mango Hill railway station. The 687 service runs from Mango Hill railway station to the nearby suburb of North Lake conducting a loop in North Lakes. The 680 bus also travels along Anzac Avenue providing connections to Redcliffe and Chermside via Petrie and Strathpine.
